For the Best Short Story of the Year
Selection Process for the Best Short Story of the Year
The selection for the best short story of the year is done by a two tiered jury. The aim is to have a comprehensive base of all deserving short stories published in a given year , and make the final selection process as objective as possible.
Each year 7 eminent people are requested to diligently go through all the stories published during the year in various Punjabi magazines At the end of the year , each jury member is asked to recommend the top few stories selected by him or her for consideration by the upper jury members.
Once all the selected stories are received, the upper jury members are requested to award their grades to each of the stories from this selection. On collating grades given by the upper jury to each story individually, 10 best stories are further shortlisted, out of which one is chosen for the the top award of the best short story of the year.
However all 10 selected stories are published together in the book form every year under the title Select Short Stories of that particular year.
Both juries , lower as well as the upper tier, comprise writers, critics and readers. The jury members are rotated and replaced frequently to ensure representation of various shades of literary opinion.